Finding Contentment When Your Best Doesn’t Feel Good Enough
It can be difficult to find inner peace when nothing you do feels like it is enough. Living up to the expectations and legacy of your family is a challenge that many struggle with. When you come from an affluent family, not only do they have high standards for your level of success, but the outside world does too.
When people command perfection from you, it's easy to feel discouraged when you don't live up to their high expectations. Despite all of this, you can find satisfaction in your successes and how you're handling your life.
Here are three tips to finding contentment when your best doesn't feel good enough.
1. Stop Comparing
Separating yourself from the legacy of your family with your own identity is challenging. After all, you wouldn't be who you are if it wasn't for the affluence that your family has brought provided. However, difficulties can arise in families with wealth and status when you're expected to follow in their footsteps, no questions asked.
While you might have every intention of following the family legacy, that doesn't mean you can't be your own person. Just because they were highly successful in life, does not mean that you aren't. You may feel challenged because after seeing your parents or grandparents rise to great heights, nothing you do feels like it is good enough.
What you need to keep in mind is that everyone has to start somewhere. Maybe you're not quite where you want to be yet, but what you are doing is enough for you, at this moment. We all succeed in our own ways, and comparing yourself to your family will only rob you of feeling proud for what YOU accomplish.
2. Do Good, Feel Good
Having a unique position in life, you've probably had more opportunities to give back than most, and when we serve others, it gives us more peace. This also gives you the opportunity to try things outside of your family, but in a way that adds honor and pride to the legacy.
Whether you do this through fundraising, volunteering, or starting your own mission-based business, you'll see that when you help others, you're actually helping yourself. Even just dedicating a few hours of your time on a weekend can give your life a greater sense of meaning. It will give you a greater sense of purpose knowing that you did something to make a positive impact on someone else.
3. Give Yourself Grace
We're usually our own worst critics. It's not uncommon for people to compare themselves to family, celebrities, or other influential people, but this often leads to feelings of lack within themselves. We wonder, "Why can't we be like that?" Or, "What am I doing wrong"
However, instead of comparing yourself to them, compare yourself to your past self. Reflect on and appreciate how far ago. Maybe one or two years ago you would've never imagined you'd reach some of the goals you've accomplished. No matter what, you've likely grown a lot.
Don't waste energy looking at what everyone else is doing. Just pay attention to what you are doing. Be proud of how far you've come, and remember, even though life seems like a race to get to the top, it really isn't. You're doing better than you think you are.
By giving yourself the grace you need to accept that you are doing the best you can, despite what others think, you will find contentment.
It can be challenging to find your own self-worth outside of your family and their successes. If you are having trouble feeling content in your own life and feel like you aren't doing enough, please feel free to contact me for financial therapy.